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5 Things You Must Avoid After Your Teeth Whitening Treatment

Updated: Apr 16, 2022

Professional teeth whitening is an amazing investment in order to boost your self-confidence and improve the appearance of your smile. Nonetheless, it's crucial to understand that your teeth are particularly susceptible to staining and discoloration immediately after teeth whitening. Therefore, what you do after getting your teeth whitened, specifically in the first 48 hours after treatment, will determine how well, or how long the results could last. Here are a few ways you could get the most out of the in-office teeth whitening treatment.

1. Avoid drinking colored beverages

Like many other people, you may enjoy a brewing hot cup of coffee in the morning, or an evening glass of red wine. Nonetheless, colored beverages could stain your teeth. You can pick better alternatives such as milk, white wine, clear alcohol, coconut milk, and water. Nevertheless, if you can't survive without your morning coffee, try using a straw to drink it, to minimise contact with your teeth.

2. Don't eat dark colored

Much like colored beverages, there are also a wide range of foods that need to be avoided after whitening your teeth. These include: colourful spices (e.g. paprika, turmeric, curry, etc.), dark-colored sauces (e.g. pasta or tomato sauce), highly pigmented fruits, vegetables, and berries (e.g. tomatoes, beets, pomegranate, etc.) and colored candy and chocolate. A good rule of thumb to follow is that if it can stain a white shirt, it can definitely stain your teeth. Instead, try opting for light-colored foods, such as cheese, cauliflower, pasta, tofu, white fish, and grilled chicken breast.

3. Avoid acidic food

In the course of the teeth whitening procedure, your tooth enamel gets weakened slightly due to the bleaching. Food and beverages with high acidic content, such as processed meats, citrus fruit, and pickled food could further weaken your enamel. This could result in even more sensitivity while also increasing the risk of re-staining. For at least 48 hours after teeth whitening, stay away from acidic food to protect your freshly whitened smile and reduce discomfort.

4. Brush your teeth regularly

Even after you have completed your teeth whitening procedure, you still need to brush your teeth regularly in order to preserve the pearly white colour. Sensitivity is often common after teeth whitening, so it is advised to brush your teeth with a non-abrasive toothpaste and soft bristled toothbrush. To ease sensitivity, also try mouthwash and toothpaste that are specifically made for sensitive teeth.

5. Cut out tobacco use

Chewing tobacco or smoking is not only harmful to your health, but is also a major contributor to teeth discoloration and staining. To prevent your teeth from re-staining after your teeth whitening treatment, at least for the first few days after whitening avoid tobacco products.

A white bright smile could help your confidence reach the skies, provided it's been properly done by a professional who understands the teeth whitening process. If you’re looking for Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment in Bangalore, please contact 1 Health Medical Centre. You can schedule an appointment and speak to the dentist in-person.

The dentist will brief you in depth about the best options of teeth whitening that’s available, and will also explain to you the associated risks.

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