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8 Simple Ways For Back Pain Relief

Updated: Feb 15, 2022

Back pain relief takes time, and it is generally achieved within a few weeks or it can even extend by a few months. There are a wide variety of simple remedies you can try to help reduce your pain in the meantime. Take a look at these simple remedies to achieve back pain relief. You could figure out the one that best works for you from among the lot!

Sleep Better

Sleeping can be hard when you’re dealing with back pain. This can become a vicious cycle because you’ll not have any back pain relief, and it may get worse when you don't get enough sleep. Another factor that can also aggravate back pain is a poor sleep position. For a good posture, try lying on your side, and to keep your spine in a neutral position, you could place a pillow between your knees, this can also relieve strain on your back. Slide a pillow under your knees if you need to sleep on your back. Also make sure to sleep on a comfortably firm mattress.

Good Posture

Mum was right! Slouching is not good for you. If you sit for long periods, a poor posture can make back pain worse. Sit upright without slumping over your keyboard with your body supported against the back of your chair and your shoulders relaxed.

Try putting a rolled towel or a pillow between your lower back and your seat. Also try keeping your feet flat on the floor.

Physical therapy

Physical therapists can teach you how to stand, sit, and also move in a way that reduces strain on your back and keeps your spine in proper alignment. They can also teach you exercises that are specifically meant to strengthen the core muscles that support your back. One of the best ways to prevent more back pain in the future is to develop a strong core. Studies show that, although it may take some time, you can look forward to back pain relief when you increase your flexibility, endurance, and strength.

Don't Rest on Achy back

Earlier doctors used to prescribe ample bed rest for back pain. But these days we know that lying still on your back is one of the worst things you can do. It can lead to other complications and also make back pain worse. It's critical to get up and slowly try to start moving again, avoid resting for more than a day or two. Exercises have been found to be the most effective way to back pain relief, and have proven to expedite the process. Try adding activities like swimming, walking, or yoga to your routine.

Ice and Heat

To help reduce inflammation or pain from an injury, it is recommended to apply ice regularly to the painful areas on your back. Try doing this for up to 20 minutes several times a day, and also to protect your skin, you need to ensure that you wrap the ice pack in a thin towel. After a few days of ice treatment, switch to heat. Apply a warm pack or heating pad to increase blood flow to the affected area, this will help with relaxing your muscles. Warm baths are also encouraged for relaxation. To avoid tissue damage and burns, never sleep on a heating pad.

Massage Therapy

Does getting a massage really help ease back pain once you leave the table? According to a recent study, getting one massage per week over a 10 week period has shown to improve functioning, and reduction in pain for people with chronic back pain. Benefits have also lasted for about six months but dwindled after a year. Performed by an experienced specialist, another hands-on approach is spinal manipulation. This treatment can help restore lost mobility by relieving structural problems of the spine

Stimulating the Nerve

Certain treatments that help in stimulating nerves to achieve chronic back pain relief are being researched these days. If you aren't finding relief with more conservative care, your doctor may consider adding acupuncture to your treatment plan. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is another method your doctor might suggest, to block incoming pain signals with the use of mild electric pulses that are delivered to the nerves.


Biofeedback utilizes a special machine that assists you in training your brain to control your response to pain. You can also learn to moderate your muscle tension, breathing, blood flow, and heart rate. Some studies have also shown that it’s better than medication in reducing back pain, bringing the pain intensity down by about 30%. The best part is that it doesn’t have any side effects.

If following the above tips hasn’t reduced your back pain in any way, and you’ve been dealing with recurring pain in your back, then it is best if you let a professional oversee your issue. You can book an appointment with us at 1 Health Medical Centre to have our expert orthopedist prescribe you the best solution to help get rid of your pain for good. Back pain relief is our forte!


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