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Discussing Spinal Stenosis in Detail

What Is Spinal Stenosis?

Do you experience back pain that gets worse when you stand or walk? Have you been experiencing numbness/tingling in your leg region? If you suffer from chronic back pain, these could be signs of spinal stenosis, a condition that occurs when the spinal canal narrows and puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. This condition can tend to raise the pain symptoms to occur at any region along the spine; however this could most commonly affect the lower back region and the neck regions.

What Are the Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis?

Symptoms may include pain, numbness, tingling, weakness in the legs & arms, and/or cramping in the affected area(s). These symptoms may worsen with activity, and may be relieved by rest. The symptoms can vary, and in some cases, people may not have any symptoms at all.

Who Is More Prone to Spinal Stenosis?

Spinal stenosis can occur at any age, but it is most common in older adults.

What Are the Causes of Spinal Stenosis?

The narrowing of the spinal canal is usually due to the wear-and-tear changes that come with aging. But it can also be caused by other conditions, such as bone spurs, tumors, or injuries. Spinal stenosis can be caused by a variety of conditions including bone spurs, arthritis, and thickened ligaments. Some injuries, such as a herniated disc, can also cause spinal stenosis.

What Are the Risk Factors of Spinal Stenosis?

There are several risk factors for spinal stenosis, which include the following:

  • Age: People over fifty years of age are more prone to such a condition.

  • Gender: Women are also at a higher risk than men.

  • Family history: If you have a family history of spinal stenosis, you may be more likely to develop it as well.

  • Occupation: If you have a job that requires repetitive twisting or bending of the back, you may be more likely to develop spinal stenosis.

  • Certain medical conditions: Certain health conditions, such as obesity and diabetes, can also increase your risk. Also, conditions such as arthritis, scoliosis, and osteoporosis can increase your risk too.

What Are the Treatment Options for Spinal Stenosis?

If you have symptoms of spinal stenosis, treatment options include:

  • Pain medication: Over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers can help ease the pain.

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs: You may be recommended to have some anti-inflammatory medicines to reduce soft tissue inflammation.

  • Physical therapy: You may be recommended some supervised nerve stimulation exercises & techniques by an expert therapist to help manage your pain condition, and decompress & activate your spinal nerves.

  • Surgery: In some most severe unfortunate cases, even surgery may be recommended to restore functional capacity.

1Health Medical Center Has the Best Cure for Spinal Stenosis

If you have any of the risk factors, it is important to meet an expert doctor; you can get in touch with the doctors panel of 1Health Medical Center, who may recommend ways to help prevent the condition, such as exercises to strengthen the back and regular stretching. This condition can be treated with medication, physical therapy, and surgery. With treatment, you can relieve your symptoms and improve your quality of life.


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