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Worried you may have a Stress Fracture? Here are a few ways to identify and treat them!

Stress Fracture

If you’re someone who loves sports and finds yourself taking part in it frequently, you’re vulnerable to Stress Fractures in your lower legs and feet. Also known as a hairline fracture, a stress fracture is a tiny fissure in a bone.

Common Signs of a Stress Fracture

Your body may show the following symptoms if you have a stress fracture.

Pain: You probably feel a slight pain where the fracture is located. The pain aggravates when you're on your feet and reduces or disappears when you're resting. More than half of stress fractures occur in the leg/ankle area. On the off chance that you fail to recognize the fracture and it goes untreated for a while, you may start feeling severe foot pain when you put weight on the foot.

Swelling: The area which has been injured, regardless of whether it's the ankle, foot, or leg, is probably swollen.

Tenderness: If your foot pains and feels tender when you press it, particularly in one spot. This means that your finger is probably resting on or close to the cracked bone.

Bruising: As a result of blood rushing towards the injured area, your ankle or foot may look blue or purple.

Weakness: You may feel that your fractured foot is not as sturdy when you're standing on it or notice that you’re not able to perform tasks as efficiently as before. Also, you may be favoring the fractured foot by putting less weight on it by walking on the inside or outside of your foot to keep away from the torment.

Can a stress fracture just happen?

Playing any sport that involves your feet hitting the ground repeatedly from either jumping, running, or pivoting quickly, such as tennis, gymnastics, track, and field, and basketball can lead to stress fractures. These fractures are generally abused wounds due to overuse. Maybe you've been to a three-day tennis competition. Your muscles are exhausted, and the pressure gets transferred to the bone, leaving a tiny crack.

Likewise, you can also get a stress fracture if you’ve been inactive or sedentary for a while and have suddenly increased your playtime - for example, getting back to the court for a rigorous session of play after you’ve been sick. It’s also important that you gradually increase your level of activity after you’ve taken some time off. Another common reason people generally don't consider is the Lack of the right equipment. For example, you may be running on worn-out shoes which can leave you with a fractured foot as well.

Treating a stress fracture

Our physicians at 1 Health review your medical history to better understand the background of your injury. After which, the injured area is examined physically and then imaging tests are conducted to diagnose your condition. When you have a stress fracture, the first line of defense is using the RICE method to help heal it: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Over-the-counter painkillers also assist with lessening the pain and inflammation.

Your 1 Health physician will also determine if you really need a cast to hold the bones up during the healing process. Your physician may recommend a walking boot to help in reducing stress on the affected area or to avoid weight-bearing for a period of time the physician may suggest you use crutches. It's important to seek treatment promptly or untreated stress fractures may lead to the need for surgical repair.

Contact 1 Health Medical Center right away if you believe you have a stress fracture or for any other orthopaedic need.

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